Saturday, 28 August 2010

Welcoming Nala and Hermione!

Yesterday was a looooooooong day! We set off just before noon to travel to Warrington to collect these two stunning piggies! It was 7 hours before we arrived home with the girls.

Nala and Hermione are two young sows who have been adopted from Becklen Guinea Pig Rescue. They were paired together for me whilst they were in Gretna Green and then moved to Penrith for a little while before moving again to a foster carer in Warrington.

Nala is approximately 13 weeks old and was found at an animal auction in a box marked "ok to go to meat man". Hermione is 7.5 weeks old and was born at the rescue to a sow who came in pregnant with a boar.

Introductions with Henry were done last night and the three of them are currently in a 2x4 mesh panel C&C temporary cage until Hermione is a little bigger as she may be able to escape from the grid panels.

The photo is posted with the kind permission of Becklen. I'll be taking some pics shortly once they are a little more settled.


  1. Oh, I just love them! Especially that white one is such a cutie... :)

  2. How are they getting on? They are very gorgeous ladies indeed!

  3. They are settling in really well, thank you :) Hermione squeals like a child demanding chocolate in a supermarket when it is dinner time but she is cute!


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    Salvatore from Cataratas do Iguaçu.
